Pilau, palaw, pilaff - my dictionary names this dish using such words)) Here, in Russia, pilau is a well-known
traditional Uzbek dish which is prepared with lamb meat in huge, strong cauldron. But that original dish is so fat and difficult to prepare, That's why every family has own recipe, adopted to personal taste and needs. I like to prepare pilau quickly and in the most healthy way -
pilau with chicken meat and in the steamer. You can prepare this dish also, following my photo-recipe:
Steam pilau |
- 150 gr chicken meat
- 1 carrot
- 1 onion
- 5 spoons of rice
- 1 spoon barberries (optional)
- red hot chilli pepper (on taste)
- salt
- 1 piece of garlic
- olive oil
Let's start to prepare!
1. Cut the chicken meat into pieces and fry them in olive oil.
Chicken meat for pilau |
2. Chop the onion and fry in the olive oil in the separate pan. Add into chicken meat.
Chicken meat + onion |
3. Grate the carrot and fry in the olive oil in the separate pan.
Fried carrot |
4. Add the carrot into meat. Prepare during 5 min.
5. Now is the time to move the mixture of pilau into steamer. Why in steamer. Becaaaause... it will protect dish from a) additional oil, b) additional water, c) burning, d) additional control)))))
So we move into steamer, adding salt
Pilau in the steamer |
6. Set the steamer for 20 min
Set the timer |
7. After 20 min, add there barberries, spices, chilli pepper and rice. Mix everything carefully. Set the timer for 20 min more.
Steamed Pilau | |
8. Serve up hot as a main dish.
Bon appetit!
Steamed Pilau |
Very tasty!!! THANK you for your idea to prepare the pilau in steamer!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьOh, tha'ts amazing! My streamer stay in the most dark part of the kitchen bcoz I didn't know that it can be used for prepare dishes except boil veggies. Now I wish to prepare smth in it